There are numerous websites out there giving information about diabetes diets. More often than not, most of these diets are filled with empty promises and some of these diets are just outright WRONG. It's time to bring some clarity to this very murcky issue.
1. Most diabetes diets are Not tailored to the individual; meaning that they are a one size fits all diet. Each person with type 2 diabetes has different set of problem and each person requires different modifications. It's simply not possible, to give every person the same Nutritional or Dietary recommendations when they all have different challenges to overcome. This is why The Naperville InstituteFor NeuroMetabolic Solutions offers advanced Metabolic Testing that helps differntiate the unique set of challenges each diabetic is facing.
2. Most diabetes diets give a recommendation to increase the amount of whole grains. There is a significant amount of carbohydrates in grains which leads to increased blood sugar levels. Grains also contain antinutrients cause insulin surges. If this wasn’t bad enough think about how we fatten up live stock. We feed them grains. If you take a look around, whats happening to Americans is that we are being fattened up. In addition we are seeing more and more people who have gluten sensitivities and leaky gut. Gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease are very common amongst diabetics and if you have a gluten sensitivity or Celiac Disease or any kind of autoimmune disease. I highly recommend that you Stay away from them. Click on the Picture below to learn more.
3. Many people have food allergies that they are unaware of. If you have a food allergy and you consume that food, you will see an increase in your blood sugar level. The reason this happens is because the food allergy causes inflammation, and inflammation leads to an increase in your blood sugar levels. Diabetes diets do not take this into consideration and they can lead to dissapointments and failure for many people. It's critical to find a doctor who specializes in Natural Diabetes treatment options that clearly understands food allergies, Leaky Gut and its effects on your immune system.
4. Many allow sugar in various forms. Honestly, if you're a diabetic, one of the most important thing you can do is significantly limit any intake of sugar. Again there are safer forms of sweeteners you can use, but the best idea is to cut the sugar out. Artificial sweeteners like sweet and low, splenda and other fake sugars also cause inflammation and this can cause your blood sugar to go up. The reality here is that if you want to get well, you Need to give up the sugar.
5. Finally, a lot of diabetes diets put little emphasis on vegetables. Vegetables are rebuilders. They provide us with the building blocks of growth and repair. There should be a HUGE emphasis on eating plenty of vegetables, and protein. A good protein source as well as Fats and Fiber are absolutely critical to keep your blood sugar levels even.
There's a lot to learn about making good food choices for diabetes, and there's a lot of bad information out there. Most diabetes diets have some merit, but you have to think for yourself and find a well-trained health professional to help you.
Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C is the senior clinic director at Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions located in Naperville, IL. Dr Hagmeyer consults patients from all over the country for his NeuroMetabolic approach and Natural Treatment for Diabetics, Pre diabetics and Peripheral Neuropathy. Dr Hagmeyer is also the creator of breakthrough treatments for Diabetes and Thyroid. Dr Hagmeyer speaks throughout the country and holds monthly lectures for his patients. For more information about his Diabetes Breakthrough recovery Program click the following link or click here to find out if you are a good candidate for his program.
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