Monday, November 28, 2011

Naperville IL Neuropathy Relief. A Few Patient Testimonials Dr Hagmeyer

You already know we specialize in treating Neuropathy, and you've heard from me in the last few blogs and perhaps you're receiving emails from us (if not, what are you waiting for? Put your information in the box on your right to receive even more information and my free Peripheral Neuroapthy Recovery Report.)

In this blog, I'll let some of our patients do the talking –

Mrs. Davis

“Over the past 15 years, I felt like I was walking on sponges. My feet were numb, hot and burning. I heard about the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions and felt I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. My doctor NEVER offered me any treatment; he just said I would ‘have to live with it.’
I now have more feeling, more confidence and better balance. They kept me informed about each step of the way and the treatment definitely is working. I was losing both sensory and motor if it worked for me, it can work for others. Everybody at the clinic is very professional and friendly. I would definitely recommend this treatment to others."

Mrs. Rigman

"For the past 6-7 years it felt like I was wearing invisible stockings, I had numbness in both feet, the tops and the bottoms, I also had some shooting pain in my toes. The numbness has gotten worse in the past 2 years.
The treatment has reduced the numbness in my feet; I can now feel the carpet when I couldn't before treatment. Although the pain and numbness are not completely gone, I feel much better. Everyone is very supportive, helpful in explaining what's being done, very professional and very nice."

Mr. Johnson

"Wow, what a relief: no more pain or numbness in my feet!
Now I can do the things I did 5 years ago; I can run up and down steps without being so cautious, I am more confident in my footing and my balance is better. And I have more "pep" in my step. Before treatment I was in pain and felt like I was always walking on cardboard. I was previously prescribed medicine to stop the pain but it wasn't working. This program is different because it restored my feet back to normal. As someone who has been through the program, I can recommend Dr Hagmeyer to anyone."
Call us today 630-718-0555. We will be happy to answer your questions and start you on the way back to enjoying life again. Request Your Free Report Today.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Naperville Neuropathy Relief. Number One Cause of Neuropathy. Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Dr Hagmeyer Explains the Causes Neuropathy?  

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of neuropathy.

You may not know this but as many as half of the people diagnosed with diabetes will also suffer from neuropathy eventually.

Diabetic neuropathy is the term typically associated with the type of neuropathy that is caused by diabetes. Although it can affect any of the nerves in the body, diabetic neuropathy typically affects the nerves in the hands and feet most severely.

Diabetes is a common condition that has reached almost epidemic levels in the industrialized world. Diabetes is a chronic and system wide disease that results from the body's inability to properly process glucose, also known as blood sugar. This is often because the body lacks the correct amount of insulin that is required to break down the glucose into elements the body can use.

Diabetic neuropathy is the most common serious complication of diabetes. BUT DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! Neuropathy can be easily prevented and it's progress drastically slowed with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and a Natural Neuropathy Treatment Program like the one we use in our office.

There are a number of other causes of neuropathy as well. These include, but are not limited to the following:

  • alcoholism
  • exposure to some types of toxins or other kinds of poisons
  • infections
  • genetic disorders
  • tumors that exert pressure on the surrounding nerves
  • trauma to the nerve from an auto accident, for example
  • extended pressure on the nerve
  • repetitive movements such typing which can lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
To set up an appointment and Learn more simply:
visit our Main Neuropathy site at

Friday, November 18, 2011

Naperville, IL Diabetes and Thyroid Disease. Why Diabetics Need to Have Their Thyroid Properly tested. Dr Richard Hagmeyer.Naperville IL


According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, 27 million Americans suffer from thyroid dysfunction – half of whom go undiagnosed. Subclinical hypothyroidism, a condition in which TSH is elevated but free T4 is normal, may affect an additional 24 million Americans. Taken together, more than 50 million Americans are affected by some form of thyroid disorder.

Metabolic syndrome (MetS), also affects 50 million Americans, and insulin resistance, one of the components of metabolic syndrome, affects up to 105 million Americans. That’s 35% of the population. Metabolic syndrome has become so common that it’s predicted to eventually bankrupt our healthcare system. Both metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, two of the leading causes of death in the developed world.

With such a high prevalence of both thyroid dysfunction and metabolic syndrome, you might suspect there’s a connection between the two. And you’d be right. Click on the "Learn more about Our Thryoid Help system" to Learn more about Thyroid Treatment.

Studies show an increased frequency of thyroid disorders in diabetics, and a higher prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome in people with thyroid disorders.

That’s because healthy thyroid function depends on keeping your blood sugar in a normal range, and keeping your blood sugar in a normal range depends on healthy thyroid function. This is very often the reason why diabetics never truly get better. Conventional medicine does not look at the whole picture and often ignores the Thyroid connection.

How high blood sugar affects the Thyroid. Dr Hagmeyer Explains 
Metabolic syndrome is defined as a group of metabolic risk factors appearing together, including:

  • abdominal obesity;
  • high cholesterol and triglycerides;
  • high blood pressure;
  • insulin resistance;
  • tendency to form blood clots; and,
  • Inflammation.

Metabolic syndrome is caused by chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Chronic hyperglycemia is caused by eating too many carbohydrates. Therefore, metabolic syndrome could more simply be called “excess carbohydrate disease”. In fact, some researchers have gone as far as defining metabolic syndrome as “those physiologic markers that respond to reduction in dietary carbohydrate.”

When you eat too many carbs, the pancreas secretes insulin to move excess glucose from the blood into the cells where glucose is used to produce energy. But over time, the cells lose the ability to respond to insulin. It’s as if insulin is knocking on the door, but the cells can’t hear it. The pancreas responds by pumping out even more insulin (knocking louder) in an effort to get glucose into the cells, and this eventually causes insulin resistance.

Studies have shown that the repeated insulin surges common in insulin resistance increase the destruction of the thyroid gland in people with autoimmune thyroid disease. As the thyroid gland is destroyed, thyroid hormone production falls. This is one of the mechansims by which diabetics often complain of  fatigue, weight gain, mental sluggishness and pain.

If this is happening to you or a loved one contact our office today at 630-718-0555.
The increased frequency of thyroid dysfunction in diabetic patients and its likely deleterious effects on cardiovascular and metabolic function calls for a systematic approach to thyroid disease screening in diabetes. Routine annual thyroid testing should be targeted at diabetic patients at risk of thyroid dysfunction, such as patients with Diabetes, positive thyroid antibodies or high-normal TSH concentrations.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Naperville, IL Neuropathy Treatment Myths

My guess is that you would like to just get instant relief from the pain associated with peripheral neuropathy.

If so then this may be the most important blog you’ll ever stumble upon!

Why? You may be asking. It is because I am going to show you how to get instant relief, yes instant relief, from the pain that is hindering you from returning to a normal life.

You’ll be able to walk on carpet again with bare feet, regain feeling in your fingers and toes and start living a full and happy life without having to stop everything due to the unbearable pain.
Are you suffering from numbness Tingling and Pain in your hands and feet? Has there been a recent history of nerve damage? The other indicators and these listed are not as "random" as you probably once thought. Peripheral neuropathy is a nerve related problem that affects many and causes pain or loss of sensation. Many sufferers, probably just like you, are told by their doctors that there is not a cure for neuropathy and that they will just need to live with the pain. This special report will uncover the treatments that work, which happen to be the treatments that I use in my office, and "unveil" the treatments that don’t work.

Neuropathy is a complex condition and it takes a Big-Picture approach that utilizes the best science and technology have to offer to manage it effectively and create the relief I am sure you desire.

We treat peripheral neuropathy from every angle, including every critical element necessary to promote healing of the nerves and maximum symptom relief. The success of our neuropathy treatment program is attributed to our unwillingness to cut corners, leveraging the latest technological advances, and developing proprietary scientific protocols that provide a
predictable result.

In our office we have a 17-point Functional Peripheral Nerve Restoration Evaluation that we
perform to determine the exact nature of the nerve damage. It all starts with a unique exam based on the Toronto Clinical Scoring System. Why? Because this exam scores the health or sickness or your nerves. Wouldn’t it be nice to objectively demonstrate where you are and how you are improving? Not just, “I feel good today” but an exam that proves you are getting better. How is this accomplished? Through the unique combination of clinically proven therapies…

First you should know that we address each person as an individual using both metabolic and neurologic strategies. This is what we mean by “no stone is left unturned” when it comes to helping our patients. You are not looking to try an old previously unsuccessful treatment again…you want relief…you want results!

You can also request Our report by filling out your name and email in the upper right hand corner of this website.

To schedule your free phone consultation with Dr. Hagmeyer and start on the road to recovery