If you have neuropathy in your hands or feet and you are taking a prescription medication, then you are receiving the standard medical treatment for your Neuropathy. I would also suspect that it's probly not working for you and thats why your viewing our site.
In traditional medicine there are no treatment options beyond pain pills and anti-seizure drugs like Neurontin. Patients are left without a viable treatment option and continue to suffer with the same and often progressive neuropathy symptoms. It is at this point that The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solution steps in and excels in Results. We offer something very different than the standard of care.
In traditional medicine there are no treatment options beyond pain pills and anti-seizure drugs like Neurontin. Patients are left without a viable treatment option and continue to suffer with the same and often progressive neuropathy symptoms. It is at this point that The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solution steps in and excels in Results. We offer something very different than the standard of care.
Dr Hagmeyers Advanced Approach To Peripheral Neuropathy?
We know that to help you get relief from your neuropathy symptoms we have to look the entire body, not just the affected nerves in your hands and feet. We call this a whole-person functional approach. Peripheral neuropathy is a complex combination of metabolic and neurological problems, all of which can be handled with our unique approach.
A large percentage of PN is caused by an underlying autoimmune mechanism, meaning the immune system is destroying your nerves. But your nerves can be destroyed by sugar levels that are too high or surging to high. Those same nerves can be damaged by high cortisol levels, by decreased oxygen, and by increased inflammation. Again, the testing we provide can identify possible problems so we can treat these naturally without drugs.There can be a neurological reason for your neuropathy. After all, the central nervous system controls the input to the nerves of your hands and feet. If your brain does not send the right signals to increase the blood supply to the feet, the nerves of the feet suffer. We can increase the oxygen to these areas and then activate the nerves so that the process of healing can begin.
- Lymphocyte Panel – to look at the ratios of T-Helper Cells, B Cells, T Cells, and Natural Killer Cells. From this test we can tell the functional configuration of the immune system and the likely sources of the dysfunction.
- Cytokine Panel – autoimmune diseases are classified as TH-1 and TH-2 dominant. This panel helps determine the dominance in your immune system.
With the results of these tests we can devise an all-natural protocol to calm and modulate the immune system. This is absolutely essential if you want relief from your neuropathy symptoms.
Dr. Hagmeyer, looks beyond standard testing procedures when working with patients suffering with Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy. Through painless and non-invasive neurological testing we can actually measure subtle changes in your brain and peripheral nervous system.
The part of your brain responsible for your ability to process sensory information, things like touch and feel, is called your parietal lobe. If changes in your metabolic system or immune system (see below) cause this area of the brain to become unstable then you will experience the changes commonly attributed to neuropathy. Things like tingling, numbness, and burning.
The problem with these functional brain imbalances is there is no medication that can make your parietal lobe more stable. It is only through addressing the underlying metabolic issues through diet, lifestyle, and nutrition, and doing functional neurological rehab (see below) that you can correct the problem and get rid of the constant pain, tingling, and burning that you may experience. There are a series of special tests we use to assess the brain and peripheral nervous system to help pinpoint the underlying problem so that we can be very specific and efficient and helping you feel better.
Functional neurological rehabilitation is like exercises, only for your brain instead of your muscles. When we identify areas of the brain that are not working like they are supposed to, like the parietal lobe we mentioned above, then we can apply non-invasive procedures to strengthen it. Your brain requires stimulation, just like your muscles require strain and activity in order to maintain function.
The activities and exercises used to strengthen the brain depend on the specific area that are determined to be weak but to give you an easy example we will stay with our parietal lobe.
Vibration sensation is processed in your parietal lobe. So if we want to send information (called stimulation) to the parietal lobe we could apply vibration to joints in your body. As part of the therapy we may have intervals of vibration used throughout the day to give constant stimulation and strengthen the parietal lobe just like we would workout frequently to strengthen your muscles. We also use something called the Rebuilder, which aids the body in healing and regenerating new nerves. We are one of the very few offices in the Naperville and Chicago area using this technology.
The body is uniquely wired so that vibration that comes from the left side of the body stimulates the right side of the parietal lobe and vice versa. It is the constant stimulation to these weakened brain areas that allows you to start healing and begin to eliminate your neuropathy symptoms.
What Other Kinds Of Tests Do You Look At With Patients Suffering With Neuropathy?
Complete thyroid panels – including TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3, T3 uptake, and reverse T3. There are over 30 functional thyroid patterns and by only measuring TSH and T4 a majority of thyroid problems will be missed. Abnormal thyroid metabolism affects every single cell in your body, including your nerves.
- Complete Metabolic Panel - we are going to investigate anemia patterns, functional blood sugar disorders, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, and abnormal lipid metabolism.
- Food Sensitivity Testing – a majority of neuropathy patients have active food sensitivities and don’t even realize it. An immune food sensitivity is when your immune system creates antibodies to certain foods, creating a global inflammation effect every single time you eat the food. This alters your nerve cell metabolism and makes your neuropathy worse. These must be identified and eliminated.
- Intestinal Permeability Testing – a majority of neuropathy patients have a condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome. This means the intestinal lining of the stomach starts to break down and allows certain food particles pass into the blood stream and lymph. When the immune system sees these food particles it attacks and attempts to destroy them. This raises global inflammation similar to how food sensitivities do. As inflammation increases then your nerve function deteriorates.
- Gastrointestinal Infection Testing – bacterial infections, parasitic infections, and dysbiosis are common problems that plague neuropathy patients, especially if there is an autoimmune mechanism. If these are not uncovered and appropriately treated then you may never be able to get relief from your neuropathy pain, burning, and numbness.
- Adrenal Testing – your adrenals are small glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They are responsible for producing a hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol plays an integral role in normalizing blood sugar and regulating your sleep and wake cycles. Many neuropathy patients have underling adrenal problems that affect blood sugar metabolism and ultimately nerve function. This is an important test to run for neuropathy patients.
This approach is literally the difference between getting true and lasting relief from your neuropathy symptoms or a lifetime of progressive pain, burning, and numbness and possible amputation. To schedule an initial case review and consultation with our institute Click Here.