Thursday, October 27, 2011

Diabetic Neuropathy Doctor.Preventing Neuropathy in the Diabetic Patient. Dr Richard Hagmeyer Naperville IL

90% of Diabetics who can still make their own insulin can Prevent Nerve damage and Impotence.

A study from Italy shows that more than 56 percent of diabetic men suffer from impotence, and almost all complain bitterly that it has destroyed something something very special between them and their significant others.   
The study also shows that most men who are impotent from diabetes are depressed.
Impotence caused by diabetes can be PREVENTED and in many cases REVERSED Naturally.
Diabetes for most, including those taking medications faithfully will experience horrendous nerve damage including blindness, deafness, burning foot syndrome, loss of feeling, loss of muscle control, pain,Cardiovascular disease tingling and impotence.
In fact, more than 90 percent of diabetics who can still make their own insulin can prevent this type of Neve Damage. However with that being said YOU must take personal responsibility and learn about how to reverse your diabetes naturally.
The penis is the only gland in the body that has its blood supply shut off all the time. When you have diabetes and impotence, your penis refuses to become hard or hard enough to perform the sex act. This happens because there is not enough surge of blood into your penis to sustain your erection.

Diabetic neuropathy affects transmission of nerve signals traveling from the brain through the nerves and to the sex glands. The damaged nerves in your penis block these vital messges. and consequently your left being limp. You are mentally ready for sex but your penis is not.

The Important Role Of Blood Sugar
Your penis needs release of a chemical called nitric oxide to cause blood to swell the penis, enabling erection. Once the penis becomes fully hard, you need to prevent blood from draining out of your penis to sustain erection. You brain controls both these functions. The high blood sugar in diabetes, affects these brain centers preventing timely release of nitric oxide and retention of blood in your penis. This inhibits erections causing impotence.

Insulin is not the Cure everybody thinks it is. Learn more about This Hormone and its effects on your Blood Sugar click here

Doctor Richard Hagmeyer, DC, senior clinic director at the Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions of Chicago, is uniquely skilled and experienced at treating the root physiological, biochemical and hormonal imbalances associated with Type II Diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy, Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Female Hormone Problems, AutoImmune Condtions and Chronic Pain.

Dr. Hagmeyer has broken free from the limiting approach of a “standard care,” which most often calls upon drugs, Replacement hormone therapy and synthetic hormones as a first defense against these diseases.  

1020 104th street
Naperville, IL

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