Thursday, April 28, 2011

Naperville IL. Your Doctor Just Diagnosed You With Insulin Resistance Now What...

Health Risks of Insulin Resistance … Beyond Diabetes

It’s well known that insulin resistance typically occurs prior to type 2 diabetes. You can be insulin resistant for years before developing the disease, and often a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is a person’s first sign that they are in fact insulin resistant.

But this diabetes precursor can wreak havoc on your health independent of diabetes, and serious health risks can surface even in those without the disease. This is why it is essential to reverse this as soon as possible.
For starters, people with insulin resistance are at an increased risk of stroke, according to a new study by University of Miami researchers.
In the study of over 1,500 non-diabetic participants, those in the top quarter of insulin resistance had a 45 percent greater risk of vascular events, including stroke and heart attack.
Other health conditions linked with insulin resistance include fatty liver, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), reproductive problems in women, growth abnormalities and skin conditions, including skin tags and acanthosis nigricans, which are dark patches of skin in neck, arm and other creases.
When you are insulin resistant, your cells are no longer as sensitive to the effects of insulin, which means higher levels are needed in order for you to function properly. This is a bad sign for your health, as insulin at high levels can:
·         Shorten your life expectancy
·         Lead to weight gain
·         Cause even more insulin resistance
·         Lead to heart disease and increases in blood pressure
·         Increase your risk of developing cancer
Because insulin resistance is a marker for so many health conditions, and also signals that your body is heading for type II diabetes, it’s important to have your health care practitioner screen you for this condition, and take action if you have it. Insulin resistance can be reversed in most cases without medication.
The good news is that, although some cases of insulin resistance may be passed on through families, typically the condition can be reversed with lifestyle changes. Losing weight, cleaning up your diet and exercising regularly are all steps that can dramatically lower your risk of becoming insulin resistant in the first place, and reverse the condition if you already have it.
So if you’re diagnosed with insulin resistance, take it as a warning sign and not a lifelong label. By making lifestyle changes now — the guidance of a holistic health care practitioner may help you formulate a plan and stick to it — you can avoid the type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart attack and more that are associated with this condition.
Quite simply, if you have the desire, you have the power to make insulin resistance disappear completely.
Archives of Neurology October 2010; 67(10):1195-200. October 12, 2010
The NAPERVILLE INSTITUTE FOR NEURO METABOLIC SOLUTIONS is passionate about improving the lives and lifestyles of individuals with Type II Diabetes and Hashimoto’s Disease. Call us 630.718.0555 to schedule your complimentary consultation.
follow us on facebook at napervile IL diabetes support or click here

Diabetes Treatment Center Naperville IL. Is Your Diabetes Caused by an Autoimmune Attack

You Could Have An
Autoimmune Condition!

Autoimmunity is the hidden cause of diabetes for 25% of Type 2 diabetics!
The “official” term is latent autoimmune diabetes mellitus of adults (LADA).

An autoimmune condition is where your immune system is attacking a part of your body, and in your case, it is most likely attacking your adrenal gland and/or your pancreas.  If you have an autoimmune condition, you don’t have just a “diabetic” problem, you have an “immune” problem!  Unfortunately, insulin injections and diabetic medications do nothing for an autoimmune disorder.  It is a slow, progressive, downward slide.


So the problem isn't just the fact that you are diabetic: it is your immune system.  You have an immune system problem, and you need to heal your immune system.  Diabetic meds are not going to help you heal your immune system. 

There are two parts to your immune system, TH1 and TH2, and they should be in balance, kind of like a teeter-totter effect.  One should not be higher than the other.  If your immune system goes out of balance because of stress (physical, chemical or emotional), one system (TH1 or TH2) will become dominant and this will cause your immune system to attack your body.  There are specific blood tests that can be run to determine if you are autoimmune and if one part of your immune system is dominant.

Now, the problem with an autoimmune condition is that it doesn't attack just one area of your body--it can attack multiple areas of your body.  It can attack your thyroid, causing extreme fatigue; your pancreas, causing diabetes; your nerves causing numbness, pain, tingling or burning…it can attack your gut (Leaky Gut Syndrome), your stomach lining, (causing IBS), or it can attack your joints (rheumatoid arthritis).  It can attack your entire body!


You need to be tested to see if you are having an autoimmune condition, to determine if that is what is causing your Diabetes or your peripheral neuropathy.  You need to find the root cause of your diabetes.  The only way to know is to run the tests!
The Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions is passionate about improving the lives and lifestyles of individuals with Type II Diabetes and Hashimoto’s Disease.
Call us at 630-718-0555 to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Don’t suffer another minute!  Call our office at 630.718.0555 and schedule
a complimentary phone consultation with Dr. Hagmeyer. 

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Naperville, IL How Diabetes Impacts Your Mental Health and Your Spouse's By Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Diabetes is not only a physical illness — it can also take a toll on your mental health. Upon first being diagnosed, it’s common to feel anger and even denial. You may wonder why this is happening to you or begin to feel very down and depressed.
Mental issues often continue beyond the initial diagnosis, as type 2 diabetes is a disease that requires daily attention and management to keep your health strong. In fact, diabetes is often said to be one of the most psychologically demanding diseases because it requires you making changes to your lifestyle on a daily basis.
These demands are not only felt by the patient, however. A new study revealed that patients’ spouses also feel distress from the disease, in ways similar to what their partners feel. Stress, frustration and sadness were common emotions in both diabetes patients and their spouses.
Interestingly, spouses’ concerns were not always felt because their partner was struggling with the disease, but rather because they had anxiety or fear over the disease’s daily management and their loved one living with it.
It’s estimated that up to one-quarter of people with diabetes also suffer from depression, a rate that’s nearly twice as high as it is among those without diabetes, so the toll this illness can take on your emotional health should not be underestimated.
The bottom line?
Diabetes is taxing for the entire family, which is why it’s so important to learn how to manage the illness and keep it squarely under your control. What you may not yet realize is that the treatment methods used by most physicians in the United States — drugs, insulin, etc. — often result in diabetics getting worse, not better, over time.

But at the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions here in Naperville Illinois, we offer strategies that can help you hit the rewind button on your life. Many of our patients are able to reduce or eliminate their need for medications, lose weight, increase their energy levels and keep diabetes well under control.
(Request a Free Diabetes Recovery Report here)
In fact, many patients are able to reverse their diabetes naturally, and a number of our patients actually become non-diabetic — meaning they no longer have the disease!
To learn how you can become one of them, contact us to see if you qualify for a free diabetes assessment today. It’s the first step to not only feeling better physically but to freeing yourself, and your family, from the emotional fear and mental anxiety of living with this potentially devastating disease.
Family Relations December 2010, Volume 59, Issue 5, pages 599–610
Purdue Alumni News January 26, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions Offers Drug Free Solution For People Suffering With Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy is one of the most common chronic diseases in the U.S…over 20 million Americans have it. Peripheral neuropathy or “nerve damage” disrupts the body’s ability to communicate with its muscles, skin, joints, or internal organs.  It is like the body’s electrical wiring system breaking down, causing numbness, pain, weakness and poor coordination. There is a problem with the nerves that carry information to and from the brain and spinal nerves. 
Peripheral Neuropathy can produce pain, loss of sensation and inability to control muscles.
Literally speaking…
•“Peripheral” means further out from the center of the body. Distant from Brain and Spinal Cord.
•“Neuro” means nerves
•“Pathy” means abnormal

1. Numbness
2. Burning Feet
3. Cramping
4. Sharp Electric Pain
5. Pain When Walking
6. Difficulty Sleeping From Leg Discomfort
7. Prickling / Tingling Feelings

The symptoms depend on which type of nerve is affected. The three main types of nerves are:
  1. Those that carry sensations (sensory)
  2. Those that control muscles (motor)
  3. Those that carry information to organs and glands (autonomic)
Damage to sensory fibers results in changes in sensation, burning sensations, nerve pain , tingling or numbness, or an inability to determine joint position, which causes in-coordination. For many neuropathies, sensation changes often begin in the feet and progress toward the center of the body with involvement of other areas as the condition worsens. Diabetes is a common cause for sensory neuropathy. Damage to the motor fibers interferes with muscle control and can cause weakness, loss of muscle bulk, and loss of dexterity. Sometimes, cramps are a sign of motor nerve involvement.

Other muscle-related symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy include the following:
  1. Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  2. Difficulty or inability to move a part of the body (paralysis)
  3. Falling (from legs buckling or tripping over toes)
  4. Lack of dexterity (such as being unable to button a shirt)
  5. Lack of muscle control
  6. Loss of muscle tissue (muscle atrophy)
  7. Muscle twitching or cramping

The autonomic nerves control involuntary or semi-voluntary functions, such as control of internal organs and blood pressure.

Damage to autonomic nerves can cause:
  1. Abdominal bloating
  2. Blurred vision
  3. Constipation
  4. Decreased ability to sweat
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Difficulty beginning to urinate (urinary hesitancy)
  7. Dizziness that occurs when standing up or fainting associated with a fall in blood pressure
  8. Feeling full after eating a small amount (early satiety)
  9. Feeling of incomplete bladder   emptying
  10. Heat intolerance with exertion
  11. Male impotence
  12. Nausea or vomiting after   meals
  13. Unintentional weight loss (more than 5% of body weight)
Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy:
  1. Statin Drugs
  2. Damaged back yrs/decades ago-leads to scar tissue
  3. Arthritis
  4. Spinal Stenosis
  5. Bulging Disc
  6. Diabetes Type 1 Type 2
  7. Poor Diet
  8. Genetics/ Lifestyle (80% life style/20% genes)
If you have been suffering with Peripheral Neuropathy and Diabetes and would like to learn more about our non surgical procedure you can learn more here.

Have you suffered with for a few months, a few years, or too many years to mention? Some may suffer only minor symptoms, while others (perhaps you or a loved one) feel the debilitating affects of Peripheral Neuropathy and are kept from participating in their life, making even simple daily activities almost impossible.

Throughout my years in practice I have tried the full range of therapies and treatments available to me, with minimal improvement. I knew there had to be more, a method of treatment that could help them (and you!). I began searching to find the answer.. and then.. I found it. The answer to helping most Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms.  Brain Based & Metabolic Therapy.

Is It Really That Simple?

Yes, for most people the answer is really that simple:  Brain Based & Metabolic Therapy.

How Does This Work?
You are most likely starting to wonder “What is the treatment going to be like?”. I can tell you from personal experience and from watching patients and staff participate in the treatments, that they are beneficial and enjoyable.

What Kind of Treatments does Brain Based Therapy use ?

Treatments can include Vibration Therapy, Gentle Neurologic Adjustments , Warm water calorics, Balance Therapy, Advanced muscle retraining, the Rebuilder®, Interactive Metronome®, Chi Massager® along with other protocols.

These techniques coupled with a full neurological  nutritional and metabolic workup have enabled us to help most of our patients to get rid of their chronic symptoms no matter how long they have been experiencing them.

Imagine how different your life would be if you were free from the burdens that your Peripheral Neuropathy causes you.

If you would like to have more information on our innovative and unique treatment protocol or to set up a consultation and see how it can help you (or someone you know), give us a call at 630.718.0555 to schedule an appointment to see if you are a candidate for these breakthrough procedures.

Reversing Diabetes Is Essential For Preventing Cancer. Find out How To Reverse This Terrible Disease. Dr Richard Hagmeyer


1 in 3 people will die from cancer this year. Having dibetes puts you at risk according to another study. Part of what makes diabetes such a difficult diagnosis to deal with is its tendency to increase your risk of serious diseases — including several types of cancer, according to one of the largest and longest studies to date on the topic.
After analyzing data from 500,000 people aged 50 to 71, who were followed for 11 years, researchers found that diabetes increases the risk of dying from cancer by 8 percent in women and 9 percent in men when prostate cancer was excluded
Rates of liver, rectum and colon cancers were all increased among people with diabetes, along with pancreatic and bladder cancers for diabetic men and stomach, anus and uterine cancers among diabetic women.
The risk of dying from cancer was also greater for men and women with diabetes, by 17 percent and 11 percent, respectively, compared to non-diabetics.
The study confirms earlier research that similarly found diabetics had a 25 percent greater risk of dying from cancer along with an increased risk of dying from heart attack, stroke, infections, lung disease, kidney disease, falls and suicide. That study found diabetes was moderately associated with death from cancers of the liver, pancreas, ovary, colorectum, lung, bladder, and breast.
It’s not clear exactly how diabetes increases cancer risk, but the two diseases do have many of the same risk factors, such as poor diet, lack of exercise and smoking. So many of the same lifestyle changes that can lower your diabetes risk will lower your cancer risk, too.
Cancer is only one serious illness linked to diabetes. Heart disease, stroke, vision loss, and kidney problems are also common among diabetics, which is why, quite simply, one of the best ways to protect your health on multiple levels is to do everything in your power to avoid getting type 2 diabetes in the first place — and take steps to reverse the condition if you already have it.
American Association for Cancer Research Meeting, Orlando, Florida April 2-6, 2011
The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetablolic Solutions is passionate about improving the lives and lifestyles of individuals with Type II Diabetes and Hashimoto’s Disease. Call us at 630.718.0555 to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Suffering with Diabetes and Need Answers? Get The FACTS by Dr. Richard Hagmeyer

Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #5:

Know the Side Effects of Metformin (Glucophage)

Metformin has some serious side effects.  I am NOT telling you to stop taking the medication, I am telling you to be aware of what it is doing to your body.

Side Effects of Metformin (aka.Glucophage) :
MALAISE: 10%- 25% of people who take Glucophage just don't feel well. They experience a general malaise, fatigue and occasional achiness that lasts for varying lengths of time. Malaise a signal for the physician to closely monitor body systems affected by Metformin, including liver, kidneys, and GI tract. A blood count should be taken from time to time, as Metformin can induce B-vitamin insufficiencies that can lead to a form of anemia.

About one-third of people on Metformin experience gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea, occasional vomiting and loose, more frequent bowel movements, or diarrhea. This problem occurs more often after meals rich in fats or sugars. The symptoms lessen over time, so if you can tolerate the GI upset for a few weeks, it may go away. Some women have found it helps to start with a very low dose and gradually increase it.

10%-30% of the patients that take this medication show evidence of reduced vitamin B12 absorption. A substance secreted in the stomach called "intrinsic factor" combines with B12 so that it can be transferred into the blood. Metformin interferes with the ability of your cells to absorb this intrinsic factor/vitamin B12 complex.

Over the long term, vitamin B12 insufficiency is a significant health risk. B12 is essential to the proper growth and function of every cell in your body. It's required for synthesis of DNA and for many crucial biochemical functions. There is also a link between B12 insufficiency and cardiovascular disease.

At least one study raises the concern that even if Metformin is withdrawn, the vitamin B12 malabsorption may continue in some people. The apparent cause is continued problems with availability of intrinsic factor, which is required for B12 absorption.

People who take Metformin tend to have higher homocysteine levels.  Women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) also tend to have elevated homocysteine.

Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood. A normal amount is OK. But an elevated level means that your metabolic processes are not working properly. Elevated homocysteine is associated with coronary artery disease, heart attack, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, cognitive impairment, and cervical cancer.
Vitamin B12, along with vitamin B6 and folic acid (another B vitamin), is responsible for metabolizing homocysteine into less potentially harmful substances. Therefore, when Metformin reduces absorption of vitamin B12, you lose one of the nutrients needed to reduce homocysteine and thus reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Pre-eclampsia is a complication of pregnancy characterized by increasing blood pressure and edema. If left untreated, pre-ecampsia can lead to eclampsia, a serious condition that puts you and your baby at risk. In a study conducted at the Center for Perinatal Studies at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, a second trimester elevation of homocysteine was associated with a 3.2 fold increased risk of pre-eclampsia.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, reviewed a series of studies on the link between elevated homocysteine and early pregnancy loss. They concluded that high homocysteine levels are a risk factor for recurrent early pregnancy loss.

Ovarian follicular fluid contains detectable amounts of homocysteine along with B12, B6, and folic acid. The follicular fluid provides nourishment to the egg by facilitating transport of nutrients from blood plasma. High levels of homocysteine as well as an insufficiency of B vitamins may adversely influence the process of fertilization and early fetal development.

NOTE: We are suggesting that elevated homocysteine, not Metformin itself, could contribute to pregnancy complications in some women. However, Metformin does contribute to increased homocysteine levels.

PREGNANCY WARNING: Many women use Metformin in their pursuit of a successful pregnancy. However, Metformin is a category B drug, meaning its safety for use while pregnant has not been established. It is found in breast milk so it's not advisable to breast feed while taking Metformin or Glucophage.

ANEMIA: By preventing optimal absorption of vitamins B12 and folic acid, Metformin could induce or contribute to megaloblastic anemia.  Megaloblastic anemia occurs when your bone marrow doesn't have enough B vitamins to manufacture red blood cells. Your bone marrow then releases immature and dysfunctional red blood cells into circulation.

Although anemia is not common among people taking Metformin, it remains a risk for those whose B12 and folic acid levels were already low when Metformin therapy was started.

LIVER OR KIDNEY PROBLEMS: If you have liver or kidney problems of any kind, Metformin could pose a problem, because it alters liver function and is excreted through the kidneys. A healthy liver and kidneys will improve your outcome with Metformin. Liver and kidney function should be assessed before starting Metformin and rechecked at least once a year while taking it. A blood chemistry screen and a complete blood count will tell your physician how well your system is doing with this drug.

:  You may be at risk for health problems or symptoms if you take Metformin in addition to other medications. The more drugs you take, and the higher the dosage, the greater the probability there will be some kind of interaction between the drugs or some unexpected effect from the combined drugs. The effect of combined drugs also depends on the state of your health, your genetic uniqueness, and your diet and lifestyle. Always consult with your doctor if you add or change any medication, or if you develop any symptoms.

HAIR LOSS:  Metformin may contribute to male pattern hair loss at the temples and top of head. Although there's nothing in the medical literature to support this linkage, some women have reported that hair loss was made worse by Metformin.

LACTIC ACIDOSIS:  About 3 of every 100,000 people who take Metformin will develop a medical emergency called "lactic acidosis". Lactic acid is a metabolic by-product that can become toxic if it builds up faster than it is neutralized. Lactic acidosis is most likely to occur in people with diabetes, kidney or liver disease, multiple medications, dehydration, or severe chronic stress.

Lactic acidosis can build up gradually. Symptoms to watch for include a need to breathe deeply and more rapidly, a slow, irregular pulse, a feeling of weakness, muscle pain, sleepiness, and a sense of feeling very sick. Treatment requires intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate. Contact your doctor or go immediately to a hospital emergency room if you have these symptoms.

BILE ABNORMALITIES:  Bile is produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and secreted into the intestines in order to absorb fats into the bloodstream. One possible reason for the GI problems is that Metformin reduces normal re-absorption of bile from the intestines back into the bloodstream, which causes elevated bile salt concentrations in the colon. Most studies suggest that colonic bile salts cause free radical damage to DNA and may contribute to colon cancer.

Get checked now!  Don’t suffer a minute longer!  Call our office for

Missed my last Diabetes Treatment Success Secret? Click HERE.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Naperville IL, The Truth About Diabetes. What you Need to Know.

It’s Not Just Your Pancreas!

Many diabetics think that the pancreas is the sole organ involved with their diabetes because of insulin.  Remember that insulin is inflammatory; it actually causes inflammation!

The pancreas does make insulin---’s not the only organ in your body that is vital in regards to your diabetes.  Your thyroid, liver, and adrenal glands are the big players in controlling your blood sugar.

Many Doctors Fail to Understand the Importantce of Healthy Thyroid, Liver and Adrenal Function.  

Your thyroid will be addressed in a future “secret” so let’s address your liver.  Your liver stores glucose in a form called glycogen.  Your liver has the ability to manufacture glycogen so that it’s available later when you need it.  Your liver can malfunction due to a poor diet, excess alcohol and medications. Liver malfunction can elevate your blood sugar and cause you to develop Type 2 diabetes.  The liver can be tested via bloodwork, and if your doctor isn’t testing you via “functional” or “optimal” levels as we addressed in our first “secret,” you will most likely continue to get worse! Your liver is a key component in diabetes and it needs to be checked.
Many patients on insulin develop a condition called insulin resistance, which means all of the cells of your body are ignoring to the signal that insulin is attempting to give to them.  That signal is to get sugar out of the bloodstream and into tissues. 
Importance Of Adrenal gland Function.

The next VERY important organs are the adrenal glands.  Not many diabetics know that the adrenal glands are the organs that help regulate your blood sugar.  The adrenal glands produce a hormone called cortisol.  Cortisol frees up glycogen--the storage form of glucose-- AND cortisol will also make you insulin resistant!   

When you're insulin resistant, insulin piles up OUTSIDE the cells in your bloodstream, and blood sugar piles up INSIDE your cells outside the bloodstream.  If that goes on for very long, you’re gonna have high blood sugar.  Your hemoglobin A1C is going to be high.  Your triglycerides will be high.  You will get labeled with pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome or type two diabetes. 

(You can Learn More about a natural approach to Diabetes that is effective in more than 80% of those battling Diabetes Get a Free Report Here)

If your MD's haven’t looked at your Adrenal glands, using a Diurnal Cortisol Rhythm Test, then they’re not digging deep enough.
If you’re making too much cortisol or excessive cortisol, you’re very quickly going to become insulin resistant... and now the next question for the good health detective doctor is...WHY are you making excess cortisol?
It could be a hidden infection.  It could be stress.  It could be a food sensitivity.  Those can all be tested.

And my point is…those are the things that could be causing your type two diabetes or your pre-diabetes. 
Bottom Line with Todays Diabetes Success Secret

So the secret today, our secret number four about type two diabetes is that the pancreas is by no means the only organ involved in regulating the levels of your blood sugar.  Your liver and adrenal glands both must be examined and tested as well as the pancreas, in order to get the root of YOUR "Type 2 Diabetes."

Don’t suffer another minute!  Call our office at 630.718.0555 and schedule a Discovery Visit with Dr. Hagmeyer. 

Call Today, space is limited!

If you missed last weeks Diabetes Success Secret


Not all patients will be accepted into our program. Dr. Richard Hagmeyer will determine treatment acceptance after an initial evaluation. See our 2 Free Trial Visits
Yes! Dr Hagmeyers approach is Completly SAFE, requres no dangerous medications, and has no side effects.
The 2 Free Trial Visit program is a way for you to meet with Dr. Richard Hagmeyer to determine if you are a candidate for care in office without any financial risk. It will allow Dr. Richard Hagmeyer to determine if you meet the criteria for care and if he will accept your case.

Please be advised that Dr. Richard Hagmeyer will never tell you to stop taking your medications.  As your symptoms improve during the course of care, Dr. Richard Hagmeyer will recommend that you return to your prescribing physician to adjust medication levels. This happens in over 80% of the patients accepted into the NeuroMetabolic Program.

Every insurance policy is different and the staff at Dr. Richard Hagmeyer's office will check on your insurance coverage. We will advise you of any coverage or limitations of coverage before any care is initiated.

It varies due to individual patient findings. After a thorough review of your case, Dr. Richard Hagmeyer will determine the course of care for your specific case.

Recieve a Free Diabetes Report Here
Learn More about Dr Hagmeyer and His Neurometabolic Approach HERE

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Naperville, IL Doctor Richard Hagmeyer From Neuro Metabolic Solutions Says Reversing Diabetes Is Possible


Dr Richard Hagmeyer
Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions


Over the years you have probably seen many friends or family members who have been ripped to nothing by diabetes. You have probably seen others who have been victims of amputations, kidney disease, heart failure and cancer. if you have this disease or no someone who does This disease is spreading to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys everyday you ignore the root causes of high blood sugar.



In the past 20 years, the prevalence of diabetes has doubled and will do so again in the next 16 years;

Every 20 minutes 60 Americans will be diagnosed with DM;

1 in every 3 children born today will develop diabetes during his/her lifetime;

9 Americans die every 20 minutes from diabetes-related complications;

2 of every 3 diabetes patients die from heart disease or stroke;

Type 2 diabetes accounts for up to 95% of diabetes cases


(Get My Free Report Here)

- Imagine no longer having to inject yourself with insulin!

- Imagine no longer having to take expensive and often dangerous prescription drugs!
- Imagine no longer having to live in fear of the devastating effects of this terrible, life-stealing disease!

Dr. Richard Hagmeyer, DC, is an expert in chronic disease management, the field of reversing diabetes and he is pioneering a new approach to diabetes –that is changing the way many doctor now treat diabetes.

A FREE Report that could change your life, Give you those years lost...... back is now available here.

Our NeuroMetabolic Approach has helped thousands get their life back, There are no medications involved, there are no dangerous side effects!

If you would like to set up an appointment with Dr Hagmeyer and Find out more about his Neuro-Metabolic Program For People suffering with Diabetes, Fill out the Phone Consultation Form available here

Till Next Time Live Well!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


If you or someone you love suffer from Diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy, or Insulin resistance you have come to the RIGHT PLACE! WELCOME

My name is Dr. Richard Hagmeyer and I have been in private practice in Naperville, IL since 2000.  My office is called the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions. I treat patients Neuroglically and Metabolically who suffer from Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos Autoimmune Thyroid, Diabetes, Insulin resistance and many other chronic diseases. I donot prescribe medicine! I work with patients who desire better health naturally.

Having watched one of my family members have their life ravaged by diabetes, leg amputation, kidney failure and eventualy a massive heart attack, I have a personal stake in making sure that it doesn’t happen to you.
  • Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor only to play “Russian Roulette” with different medications? “Here try this drug, that didn’t work? Try this one!”
  • Are you tired of taking drugs that don’t fix the problem?
  • Do you continue to struggle with Diabetes day in and day out?
I am here to tell you that there is NEW HOPE!

(Request a Free Report that can change your life!)

Are You Afraid of the Serious Consequences of Uncontrolled Diabetes? Here are just a few…amputation of a limb, blindness, kidney failure, heart failure, and increased risk factors for stroke and cancer! If you’re tired of dealing with this problem and you are worried about it getting worse, learn how your Diabetes can be helped.

(In some cases in as little as 3 weeks!)

Click on the 2 FREE VISITS to learn how you can receive a functional evaluation of both the metabolic and neurologic side of your diabetes.

To learn more about how we approach this condition click on the “What Makes Us Different?”

You’ll discover:
  • Why the standard testing your doctor orders may not be enough
  • How to regain control of your blood sugar naturally
  • How to gain back your energy and zest for life
  • What 3 things your nerves must have to stay alive and why diabetes can destroy the nerves leading to peripheral neuropathy
  • How, even if you have peripheral neuropathy, you can recover and heal from the nerve damage.
A Word on Peripheral Neuropathy…
Don’t just try to mask nerve damage problem with medications like neurotin or lyrica.  Don’t just try to artificially “feel better” about things by relying on an antidepressant.  Why won’t you reach for a solution? 

Because you’ve been told there isn’t a solution.  Well, my patients beg to differ.  Honestly, we cannot help everybody but we have helped hundreds of patients that thought they just had to live with the ever increasing nerve damage.  Come in for your 2 free visits and learn how you might be helped.

You can be sure that you’ll be evaluated for peripheral neuropathy (a painful often debilitating nerve condition).

Be sure to watch our patients testimonials.  You’ll see how chronic desperate people have found new hope.

I look forward to meeting you.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Suffering with Diabetes and Need Answers? Get The FACTS by Dr. Richard Hagmeyer

Dr Richard Hagmeyer From The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions

Hi Dr Hagmeyer here!

Insulin is not the single “answer” to type 2 diabetes because insulin causes inflammation, which is not good if you are a diabetic. 

When you inject insulin, you are basically injecting yourself with inflammation which according to the latest research is a HUGE risk factor for stroke and heart attack!  By injecting yourself with insulin, you are causing a surge of a cytokine IL-6.  IL-6 is also inflammatory!

There are other things that cause inflammation in your body such as high cortisol levels.  Cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands and you need to be checked by a doctor who will evaluate and properly test the functioning of your adrenal glands.  

Certain foods can cause inflammation as well, such as a diet high in refined sugar, salt, and fat: basically, the standard American diet of junk food.  This is why it is vital that if you are taking insulin, you MUST eat a healthy diet high in vegetables, lean meat, fish, and nut and seeds.  Notice that I didn’t mention fruits.  If you are diabetic, you will want to consume “stone” fruits or fruits that contain a pit because they are lower on the Glycemic index.

 There are certain markers in the blood that we can check to find out how much inflammation you have in your system.  Those markers are C-RP or C-reactive protein and homocysteine. 

The latest research on homocysteine and cognitive aging, Alzheimer’s, loss of brain function, and dementia reveal that a homocysteine level higher than 7 is linked to ACCELERATED BRAIN AGING. 

Homocysteine is a marker for inflammation directly linked to brain atrophy (wasting away). This is why Type 2 Diabetes causes brain problems. Ferritin is also a marker for inflammation so if your ferritin levels are high, the inflammation in your body is high!

(Get Your Free Diabetes Recovery Report here)

Just remember, inflammation is the ENEMY of the diabetic and you need a doctor who works as a detective to eliminate as much of it from your system as possible!

Naperville Institute For Neuro-Metabolic Solutions
1020 104th street
Naperville, IL 60564

If you would like to apply to our Neuro-Metabolic Solutions Program, and find out if you can be helped with your Diabetes then CLICK HERE

Our Approach involves no dangerous medications, which means no side effects.  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Suffering With Diabetes ? The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions is offering a Free Diabetes Consultation

Dr Richard Hagmeyer D.C.
Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions
Napeville, IL

Our office has helped thousands of suffering patients.Our 2 Free Trial Visits allows you to experience our office and meet with Dr. Richard Hagmeyer without financial risk.


Heres what you can expect to happen during your Free Diabetes visit;

Visit #1:

Dr. Richard Hagmeyer will review your questionnaire, intake forms, medical records and any x-rays or imaging studies that you may have brought with you. We encourage you to bring any information with you.

Visit #2:

Dr. Richard Hagmeyer will let you know if he has decided to take your case. Fees for care will be discussed at this time.

Why do we offer Two Free Visits?
It's very simple! Dr. Richard Hagmeyer only accepts patients that he truly feels that he can help.

It will cost you nothing for Dr. Richard Hagmeyer to determine if he can help you or not.

Contact The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions

Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions
1020 104th street
Naperville, Il