Monday, October 31, 2011

Natural Treatment For Type II Diabetics. Naperville IL NeuroMetabolic Solutions

More than 50,000 cells will die and be replaced with new cells before you even finish reading this sentence.
Your body’s new cells benefit from your attitude, nutrition and environment much more than you think. Having diabetes or  being diagnosed with diabetes does not have to be a death sentence or a one way trip to deteriorating health. YOU DO HAVE CONTROLL!
This revolutionary discovery is leading scientists into a new era of Functional Medicine and Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM.)
The fact is YOU control your health more than anyone previously believed.
These discoveries work with your body’s own natural design, making amazing changes possible.
There exists undeniable evidence-based science that proves your body can heal itself faster without drugs.

  The Information You Will Receive In The Diabetic Reversal Report Will Uncover

ü  Why if you have Type II Diabetes you no longer have to live in fear of blindness, amputations and early death!
ü  A safe natural way to lose weight, eliminate medications and reduce complication risks!
ü  Why insulin therapy, of all things, often proves to be many diabetics' ultimate downfall!
ü  Six diabetic treatment misconceptions and what you really need to know to ensure good health!
ü  10 questions you need to start asking immediately to determine if your doctor is currently acting as a "road block" to you reclaiming your health and living a life that you deserve!
ü  The real secret to eliminating your diabetes quickly, easily and safely.
ü  And much more
The amazing mystery of the body’s healing ability is unleashed at the cellular level. Every cell in your body has this innate healing power . . . The Diabetes Reversal Report gives you the keys to your own hidden ability.

ü  Imagine your blood sugar worries gone ... in ONLY 4 short weeks from today!
ü  Imagine your doctor telling you to lower your insulin dosage . . . gradually eliminating the need for it entirely!
ü  Imagine erasing the pain, suffering and unnecessary expenses by naturally addressing the root cause of your diabetes now.
ü  Imagine the peace of mind you’ll have knowing you can help stop Type 1 diabetes by helping reverse Type 2 diabetes.
ü  Now you can join the growing number of ex-diabetes sufferers who put my revolutionary home remedy to the test ... to reverse diabetes using proven natural principles.
ü  Imagine your blood sugar worries gone ... in ONLY 3 short weeks from today!
ü  Imagine your doctor telling you to lower your insulin dosage . . . gradually eliminating the need for it entirely!

Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Naperville Type II Diabetes Treatment Center. New Study Shows Cholesterol Drugs May Cause Diabetes. Naperville Insitute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions Naperville, IL

Cholesterol Drugs May Give You Diabetes

A growing number of studies are prompting concerns that widely prescribed statin drugs, used to lower cholesterol, could be contributing to increasing rates of diabetes.
A new review published in Current Opinion in Cardiology noted:

“The increased incidence of diabetes with rosuvastatin [brand name Crestor] treatment in Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention: an intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER) reignited attention on the link between statin therapy and diabetes.

The JUPITER findings are supported by two recent meta-analyses of large-scale placebo-controlled and standard care-controlled trials, which, respectively, observed a 9% and 13% increased risk for incident diabetes associated with statin therapy.”

Separate research has also shown that statin use is associated with a rise of fasting plasma glucose in patients with and without diabetes.
At The Naperville Type II Diabetes Treatment Center in Naperville IL you can rest assured our approaches are safe, scientifically proven and centered around lifestyle modification. Our approach includes Diet, Nutrition, Detoxfication, Hormone rebalancing, addressing Food Sensitivies, Blood sugar control and exercise.   If you are one of the millions of Americans taking statin drugs and you’ve recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it’s worth considering whether it could be drug-induced and if you could benefit from our approach.

Discover Why the Overwhelming Majority of Men Taking Medication for Diabetes and Insulin resistance will continue to suffer with poor health including heart disease, erectile dysfunction, weight gain, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue and digestive problems.
Find Out what YOU can Do to truly address the Cause of your Blood Sugar Problem and get your life back. Simply fill out the form on this page or call 630-718-0555 to get a FREE Metabolic Guide that outlines our Dr Hagmeyer's Unique Metabolic approach with those suffering with Type II Diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy and blood sugar imbalances.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Naperville IL Reversing Diabetes Naturally Requires Getting This Vital Hormone Under Control. Naperville, IL Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Diabetes, Cortisol Levels and Blood Sugar. Naperville, IL Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions.  

Your adrenal glands are vital for optimal blood sugar stability. When your adrenal glands are not working properly, it causes high levels of cortisol to circulate throughout your system.

Elevated Cortisol levels are one of those factors that is often overlooked by mainstream medicine when it comes to the management of type II Diabetics. 

This plays a major role in why you continue to experience and suffer with weight gain, Peripheral Neuropathy, Restless Leg Syndrome, difficulty sleeping,Thyroid problems even when your other lab tests may be "normal".

Cortisol Is Vital to Proper Blood Sugar Regulation and Normal Blood Sugar Control.

Cortisol is one of the main factors that regulate your blood sugar level, Insulin in not the only hormone involved in Blood Sugar regulation. There are several hormone that must be optimized for diabetics to reverse their diabetes naturally, however for the purpsoe of this post we will focus on Cortisol.  When cortisol is released by your adrenal glands, it’s accompanied by cytokines.

Cytokines are chemical signals that cells use to communicate with eachother. elevated cytokines suppress the ability of your pituitary gland, and your hypothalamus, to make a variety of hormones needed for optimal health.

Adrenal glands make cortisol in response to a stress, whether it’s physical, chemical, or emotional stress. Cortisol also promotes inflammation throughout the body, the more inflammation throughout the body the more the adrenals pump out Cortisol. This becomes a vicious cycle.

As cortisol is released, the cytokines will suppress your pituitary gland.(The area of the brain responsible for releasing TSH as well as many male and female hormones)

Common Causes of Elevated Cortisol and Blood Sugar imbalances.

Now there are several causes of elevated cortisol, one of them being chronic stress, post traumatic stress disorder, or hidden gut infections, like, parasites. You’d be surprised at how many diabetics have parasitic infections.

You need to make sure that your blood sugar level remain stable throughout the day. And you need to understand when your blood sugar levels go up or down, your cortisol levels are going up and down, which means your cytokines are going up and down, which in turn means your pituitary will be under significant stress, ultimately this can and will alter Blood sugar as well as thyroid hormones. This is why so many Diabetics also suffer with Thyroid Problems.

Eventually, you start having thyroid symptoms such as
fatigue, hair loss, cold hands and feet, insomnia, inability to lose weight, and depression.

Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia, Diabetes what’s the difference?

Confused about these terms? Dont be! Here is an easy explanation. Hypoglycemia is anyone with a blood sugar level of 85 or lower. Insulin resistance is a fasting blood sugar of 100-126. Diabetes is a fasting blood sugar level of 127 or higher.

So be aware, if your stress levels are high, your adrenal glands are still going to have to work harder, and cortisol levels are going to increase. Cytokine levels are going to increase, and it will cause your pituitary not to function properly, this in turn will cause decreased amounts of thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH and weight gain despite diet and exercise.

The bottom line is this: High cortisol will sabotage your attempt to maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels, Healthy Thyroid Function and Healthy weighty.  


If you’re suffering with adrenal fatigue, you need to avoid refined sugar, alcohol, and caffeine because these are high stressors to your immune system. And don’t think you can get away with eating "Sugar Free" aspartame and MSG are toxic EXTREMELY DETRIMENTAL for the Health of your adrenal glands.


Naperville Neuropathy and Diabetes Relief. Diabetes? Insulin Resistance? Side Effects of Metformin and Glucophage That you have NEVER been Told about. Naperville, IL Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Side Effects of Metformin AKA Glucophage

If you think that just managing you blood sugar is enough with Metformin or Glucophage...THINK Again!

Some of your symptoms might be caused by the very medication(s) you are taking.

Read these side effects ONLY if you are interested in learning about an approach to Reversing Diabetes Naturally.  

MALAISE. 10%- 25% of people who take Glucophage just don't feel well. 1 in 4 will experience a general malaise, fatigue and occasional achiness that lasts for varying lengths of time. Malaise a signal for the physician to closely monitor body systems affected by metformin, including liver, kidneys, and GI tract. A blood count should be taken from time to time, because metformin can induce B vitamin insufficiencies that can lead to a form of anemia.

About one third of people on metformin experience gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea, occasional vomiting and loose, more frequent bowel movements, or diarrhea. This problem occurs more often after meals rich in fats or sugars. The symptoms lessen over time, so if you can tolerate the GI upset for a few weeks, it may go away. Some women have found it helps to start with a very low dose and gradually increase it.

VITAMIN B12 MALABSORPTION. Of patients who take this drug, 10%-30% show evidence of reduced vitamin B12 absorption. A substance formed in the stomach called "intrinsic factor" combines with B12 so that it can be transferred into the blood. Metformin interferes with the ability of your cells to absorb this intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 complex.(12)

Over the long term, vitamin B12 insufficiency is a significant health risk. B12 is essential to the proper growth and function of every cell in your body. It's required for synthesis of DNA and for many crucial biochemical functions. There is also a link between B12 insufficiency and cardiovascular disease.

At least one study raises the concern that even if metformin is withdrawn, the vitamin B12 malabsorption may continue in some people.(13) The apparent cause is continued problems with availability of intrinsic factor, which is required for B12 absorption.

ELEVATED HOMOCYSTEINE. People who take Glucophage tend to have higher homocysteine levels.(14) Women with PCOS also tend to have elevated homocysteine.(15)

Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood. A normal amount is OK. But an elevated level means that your metabolic processes are not working properly. Elevated homocysteine is associated with coronary artery disease, heart attack, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia,(16) cognitive impairment.(17), and cervical cancer. (18)

Vitamin B12, along with vitamin B6 and folic acid (another B vitamin), is responsible for metabolizing homocysteine into less potentially harmful substances (19). Therefore, when metformin reduces absorption of vitamin B12, you lose one of the nutrients needed to reduce homocysteine and thus reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

ELEVATED HOMOCYSTEINE & PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS. Pre-eclampsia is a complication of pregnancy characterized by increasing blood pressure and edema. If left untreated, pre-ecampsia can lead to eclampsia, a serious condition that puts you and your baby at risk. In a study conducted at the Center for Perinatal Studies at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, a second trimester elevation of homocysteine was associated with a 3.2 fold increased risk of pre-eclampsia.(20)

The Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, reviewed a series of studies on the linkage between elevated homocysteine and early pregnancy loss. They concluded that high homocysteine levels are a risk factor for recurrent early pregnancy loss.(21)

Ovarian follicular fluid contains detectable amounts of homocysteine along with B12, B6, and folic acid. The follicular fluid provides nourishment to the egg by facilitating transport of nutrients from blood plasma. High levels of homocysteine as well as an insufficiency of B vitamins may adversely influence the process of fertilization and early fetal development.(22)

NOTE: We are suggesting that elevated homocysteine, not metformin itself, could contribute to pregnancy complications in some women. However, metformin does contribute to increased homocysteine levels.

PREGNANCY WARNING. Many women use metformin in their pursuit of a successful pregnancy. However, Glucophage is a category B drug, meaning its safety for use while pregnant has not been established. It is found in breast milk so it's not advisable to breast feed while taking Glucophage.

ANEMIA. By preventing optimal absorption of vitamins B12 and folic acid, metformin could induce or contribute to megaloblastic anemia.(23) Megaloblastic anemia occurs when your bone marrow doesn't have enough B vitamins to manufacture red blood cells. Your bone marrow then releases immature and dysfunctional red blood cells into circulation.

Although anemia is not common among people taking metformin, it remains a risk for those whose B12 and folic acid levels were already low when metformin therapy was started.

. If you have liver or kidney problems of any kind, metformin could pose a problem, because it alters liver function and is excreted through the kidneys. A healthy liver and kidneys will improve your outcome with metformin. Liver and kidney function should be assessed before starting metformin and rechecked at least once a year while taking it. A blood chemistry screen and a complete blood count will tell your physician how well your system is doing with this drug.

MULTIPLE MEDICATIONS. You may be at risk for health problems or symptoms if you take metformin in addition to other medications. The more drugs you take, and the higher the dosage, the greater the probability there will be some kind of interaction between the drugs or some unexpected effect from the combined drugs. The effect of combined drugs also depends on the state of your health, your genetic uniqueness, and your diet and lifestyle. Always consult with your doctor if you add or change any medication, or if you develop any symptoms.

HAIR LOSS. Metformin may contribute to male pattern hair loss at the temples and top of head. Although there's nothing in the medical literature to support this linkage, some women have reported that hair loss was made worse by metformin.(24)

LACTIC ACIDOSIS. About 3 of every 100,000 people who take metformin will develop a medical emergency called "lactic acidosis". Lactic acid is a metabolic byproduct that can become toxic if it builds up faster than it is neutralized. Lactic acidosis is most likely to occur in people who with diabetes, kidney or liver disease, multiple medications, dehydration, or severe chronic stress.

Lactic acidosis can gradually build up. Symptoms to watch for include a need to breathe deeply and more rapidly, a slow, irregular pulse, a feeling of weakness, muscle pain, sleepiness, and a sense of feeling very sick. Treatment requires intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate. Contact your doctor or go immediately to a hospital emergency room if you have these symptoms.

Doctor Richard Hagmeyer, DC, senior clinic director at the Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions of Chicago, is uniquely skilled and experienced at treating the root physiological, biochemical and hormonal imbalances associated with Type II Diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy, Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Female Hormone Problems and Chronic Pain.

Dr. Hagmeyer has broken free from the limiting approach of a “standard care,” which most often calls upon drugs, replacement hormone therapy and synthetic hormones as a first defense against these diseases, without a real inspection as to the root underlying causes and contributing factors to each individual’s presenting complaints.


Naperville Neuropathy and Diabetes Treatment. Do You Know The Risks Associated With Blood Sugar Lowering Medications. Dr Hagmeyer from the Naperville Insitute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions Responds.

The Drug Companies Would Have You Believe That There Is No Danger or Risk In Blood Sugar Lowering Medications.

That couldn't be further from the truth!
Just a few years ago one of the popular diabetes drugs - called Avandia - was shown to INCREASE the risk of heart attacks by 43%* - and INCREASE cardiovascular fatalities by a whopping 64% compared to patients not on the drug.

The scary thing is the Senate investigation showed that the drug makers knew about the heart problems for well over 4 years before the information was made public ... they hid the information from us and people died as a result ... just to turn a buck (more like millions of bucks).

How could they knowingly put patients as risk of death just for profit? People just like you and I.

What do drug makers know about serious side effects of your current medications that they are not revealing?
It could be 4 years after taking the drug day by day that we find that you are in serious risk due to a fatal side effect.

Did you know that research shows that specific lifestyle and diet Modifications have been shown to reverse pre-diabetes and can even reduce or completely eliminate your dependence on oral medications if you are already diabetic?

Your doctor and the health care system just don't have time to walk you step-by-step and guide you through the process of turning your diabetes around.
Learn More About The Dangerous Side Effects of Metformin and Glucophage here

I’m Sure your doctor told you to eat less, lose weight! Well….that just doesn't cut it, if your plan is to beat this disease and get your life back

We help patients every day through this process. It is our primary focus - we have the time the expertise and a systematic approach, to help you make big changes and avoid the serious and potential side effects of medications and uncontrolled blood sugars.

Learn More about how Diabetes effects your Mental Health Here.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Naperville IL Neuropathy and Type II Diabetes Management, "Impotence Increases with Diabetes"

Do you know that up to 75% or men with DIABETES will experience chronic IMPOTENCE
Diabetes impotence is one of the most common male medical conditions. Although it's not clear why diabetic men are more prone to diabetes impotence, researchers believe it's because diabetes affects blood flow, particularly to the body's extremities, such as the penis.

Long-term diabetes also causes nerve damage, which may be a contributing factor. Impotence (erectile dysfunction) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse, and includes the inability to get an erection as a result of sexual stimulation or to lose your erection prior to ejaculation.

Impotence does not generally include other symptoms such as lack of libido, inability to ejaculate or the inability to achieve orgasm.

Diabetes Impotence

Two of the basic physical requirements for producing an erection are healthy blood vessels AND healthy nerves in the penis. Because both the blood supply and nerve endings are affected by diabetes, the chances of getting and sustaining an erection are reduced in diabetics.

In many cases, once impotence starts to become a regular occurrence, depression and feelings of lack of self-worth take over, resulting in psychological impotence. But it's not all bad news.

The care for diabetics needs to include an approach that addresses the multiple factors leading to diabetes, rather than just treat the symptoms of poor blood sugar control. There are many factors that effect blood sugar levels. In some cases medications such as Metformin, Glucophage and Insulin can induce nutrient depletion which will worsen the overall health of an individual in the long run.

A Natural appraoch to the treatment of TYPE II Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy requires the physician to look at the health from a functional perspective. This means Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle modification.  Unfortunately main stream medicine focuses more on the effects rather than cause.

At the Naperville Insitute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions, we take a big picture approach. To be successful in reducing the problems associated with Diabetes, a comprenhensive evaluation requires us to look at the multiple metabolic imbalances involved in Diabetes. Hormone balance, Liver and GI function, Food Sensitivities, Inflammation, High cholesterol all need to be addressed. 

Blood circulation problems and nerve damage caused by diabetes can be controlled by maintaining good blood sugar (glucose) levels, optomizing Hormone Levels, maintaining Optimal Vitamin land Glutathione levels, and addressing inflammation (Homocystein, Ferritin, C-RP levels) and any Gastrointestinal infections/parasites/bacteria.

Lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol and high blood pressure are not only major contributing factors to diabetes, they also contribute to impotence. So adopting a healthier lifestyle will help reduce your risk of developing diabetes impotence.

For more information about a Natural Approach that is Reversing Diabetes you can call 630-718-0555.

Naperville Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy Alternative Treatment. Dr Richard Hagmeyer.

Why are Natural Treatments For Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy Ignored?
(Brainwashing !)

Numerous scientific studies support safe, natural remedies for diabetes. Yet the vast majority of physicians continue to ignore the research—and jeopardize the health of patients seeking to manage diabetes—by focusing strictly on lowering blood sugar, no matter what the cost. At the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions we have helped patients reduce and elminate medication using Functional Medicine.

Part of the problem can be laid at the feet of human psychology. When a doctor sees a patient living with diabetes, specifically type 2 diabetes, he or she may give lip service to diet and exercise. But, to be really effective, the doctor must become a counselor who encourages and monitors the patient’s activity level, diet, and weight. At The Naperville Insitute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions we look at our relationship as a partnership.

Obviously, lifestyle changes require work on the part of both physician and patient, and who wants to put forth that much effort? So the doc pulls out his prescription pad and discharges that responsibility. And patients accept this because it’s an easy out for them as well. What could be simpler than taking a “magic pill,” especially if adverse side effects are glossed over, as they usually are?

The pharmaceutical industry also shoulders much of the blame. These companies currently control the bulk of medical research, treatment guidelines, and physician education. As a result, not only is the effectiveness of drugs overstated and the risks minimized, but the emphasis on medication draws attention away from safe, natural treatments that truly improve the health and longevity of people managing diabetes.

Contact our office to set up your FREE phone consultation with me, Dr. Hagmeyer.

Request a free copy of my Diabetes Recovery Report. (630) 718-0555. 

Diabetic Neuropathy Doctor.Preventing Neuropathy in the Diabetic Patient. Dr Richard Hagmeyer Naperville IL

90% of Diabetics who can still make their own insulin can Prevent Nerve damage and Impotence.

A study from Italy shows that more than 56 percent of diabetic men suffer from impotence, and almost all complain bitterly that it has destroyed something something very special between them and their significant others.   
The study also shows that most men who are impotent from diabetes are depressed.
Impotence caused by diabetes can be PREVENTED and in many cases REVERSED Naturally.
Diabetes for most, including those taking medications faithfully will experience horrendous nerve damage including blindness, deafness, burning foot syndrome, loss of feeling, loss of muscle control, pain,Cardiovascular disease tingling and impotence.
In fact, more than 90 percent of diabetics who can still make their own insulin can prevent this type of Neve Damage. However with that being said YOU must take personal responsibility and learn about how to reverse your diabetes naturally.
The penis is the only gland in the body that has its blood supply shut off all the time. When you have diabetes and impotence, your penis refuses to become hard or hard enough to perform the sex act. This happens because there is not enough surge of blood into your penis to sustain your erection.

Diabetic neuropathy affects transmission of nerve signals traveling from the brain through the nerves and to the sex glands. The damaged nerves in your penis block these vital messges. and consequently your left being limp. You are mentally ready for sex but your penis is not.

The Important Role Of Blood Sugar
Your penis needs release of a chemical called nitric oxide to cause blood to swell the penis, enabling erection. Once the penis becomes fully hard, you need to prevent blood from draining out of your penis to sustain erection. You brain controls both these functions. The high blood sugar in diabetes, affects these brain centers preventing timely release of nitric oxide and retention of blood in your penis. This inhibits erections causing impotence.

Insulin is not the Cure everybody thinks it is. Learn more about This Hormone and its effects on your Blood Sugar click here

Doctor Richard Hagmeyer, DC, senior clinic director at the Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions of Chicago, is uniquely skilled and experienced at treating the root physiological, biochemical and hormonal imbalances associated with Type II Diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy, Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Female Hormone Problems, AutoImmune Condtions and Chronic Pain.

Dr. Hagmeyer has broken free from the limiting approach of a “standard care,” which most often calls upon drugs, Replacement hormone therapy and synthetic hormones as a first defense against these diseases.  

1020 104th street
Naperville, IL

Friday, October 21, 2011

Naperville IL Diabetic Neuropathy Doctor. Understanding Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Natural Alternatives and Solutions

Diagnosed with Diabetes? Diabetes Explained.

Type 2 diabetes is estimated to afflict approximately 24 million people in the U.S. It is diagnosed by a fasting glucose level of 126 mg/dL or greater, or a “glycosylated hemoglobin” (HA1C) test of 6.5 or greater. It is the number one new cause of both blindness and kidney failure in the U.S. and 60- 70% of diabetes have some form of peripheral neuropathy, with most of these people having sexual dysfunction.

Simply put, diabetes is when the glucose (which is the main energy source for the cells of the body (all 100 trillion of them), and the only energy source for the cells of the brain), can’t get into the cells! You see our bodies need a hormone called “Insulin” to get the glucose into the cells. Insulin comes from an organ called the pancreas, but do you know the four other organs/ glands that control your blood sugar? its more than just the Pancreas.

 I cover in detail what those 4 other key organs/ glands are in my
FREE Report

Why would insulin stop being able to get glucose into the cells? Certain lifestyles/ dietary habits can cause our cells to become “resistant” to the insulin. It’s as if the cells of the body “stop listening” to insulin, causing the glucose to build up in the blood, where not only is it useless as far as providing energy, it gets turned into FAT! This is why a person’s triglyceride and cholesterol levels will increase with diabetes. But what are those lifestyle/ dietary habits that cause the body to “stop listening” to insulin?

  1.  Waiting too long between meals
  2. Eating too many carbohydrates at once
  3. Consuming too much sugar (the average American consumes 150- 170 lbs of sugar a year! About ¼ to ½ pound per day!)
  4. Lack of exercise
  5. High stress

 1. If your body has become “resistant” to insulin, do you really think that giving it more insulin is a long-term solution? This is the traditional medical approach, and it will lower blood sugar temporarily. But it ultimately will fail, and did you know that high insulin causes:
  1. Inflammation
  2. Weight gain
  3. Increased blood pressure
  4. Risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke
  5. Low testosterone in men
  6. High testosterone in women

2. The traditional medical approach of insulin (or medications such as glucophage/ metformin, which increase insulin production in the pancreas), fail to address the four other organs/ glands that need to work in order to maintain normal blood glucose. Failure to fix any dysfunction of these four other key organs/ glands is why dietary changes alone are not enough.

 With a “Functional” metabolic approach, utilizing key lab testing which enables us to determine exactly how the 5 key organ/ gland systems are working, we’ve been able to help many people much more effectively manage their diabetes in a drug- free manor! We’ve also been more able to help many people who have pre- diabetes (“metabolic syndrome” or syndrome x”) stop the vicious cycle which leads to diabetes.

1020 104th street
Naperville, IL