Thursday, May 19, 2011

Naperville Neuropathy Doctor explains How Inflammation is a Diabetics Enemy. Diabetes Treatment Options. How to Reverse Your Diabetes Naperville IL


Insulin is not the “answer” to type 2 diabetes because insulin causes inflammation, which is not good if you are a diabetic. 

When you inject insulin, you are basically injecting yourself with inflammation which is a HUGE risk factor for stroke and heart attack!  By injecting yourself with insulin, you are causing a surge of a cytokine IL-6.  IL-6 is also inflammatory!

(learn more about interlukin 6 here) and here

See how inflammation causes Type II diabetes here
There are other things that cause inflammation in your body such as high cortisol levels. 

Cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands and you need to be checked by a doctor who does thorough testing.  (learn more about the dangers of elevated and unchecked Cortisol levles here)

Certain foods can cause inflammation as well, such as a diet high in refined sugar, salt, and fat: basically, the standard American diet of junk food.  This is why it is vital that if you are taking insulin, you must eat a healthy diet high in vegetables, lean meat, fish, and nut and seeds.  Notice that I didn’t mention fruits.  If you are diabetic, you will want to consume “stone” fruits or fruits that contain a pit because they are lower on the glycemic index.

There are certain markers in the blood that we can check to find out how much inflammation you have in your system.  Those markers are C-RP or C-reactive protein and homocysteine. 

The latest research on homocysteine and cognitive aging, Alzheimer’s, loss of brain function, and dementia reveal that a homocysteine level higher than 7 is linked to ACCELERATED BRAIN AGING. 
Homocysteine is a marker for inflammation directly linked to brain atrophy (wasting away). This is why Type 2 Diabetes causes brain problems. Ferritn is also a marker for inflammation so if your ferritin levels are high, the inflammation in your body is high!

Just remember, inflammation is the ENEMY of the diabetic and you need a doctor who works as a detective to eliminate as much of it from your system as possible!

To learn more about our NeuroMetabolic Program click here.

 Don’t suffer another minute! 

Call our office at 630.718.0555 and schedule a complimentary Discovery Visit with Dr. Hagmeyer. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

NeuroMetabolic Solutions, Naperville IL Offers a New Revolutionary Drug Free Approach that is Reversing Type II Diabetes.....

First of all, congratulations on reading This Blog! You are taking the first step by searching for a natural appraoch.

You'regoing to discover how to avoid years of misery and frustration – the same misery and frustration millions of Americans suffer every day because they don't have this seldom discussed diabetes information.

Diabetes is a sneaky, potentially disabling epidemic that is sweeping America as we speak. Many of your family, friends, and co-workers will experience the same experience that you do because of a number of factors including misinformation and  inappropriate care. Dont let Diabetes Cripple YOU!

YOU DO HAVE choices

My name is Dr Richard Hagmeyer and I have been helping hundred of those who have been diagnosed with type II Diabetes get their lives back with a wholistic, natural, drug free Approach. Most if not all of my patients will loose weight, lower their cholesterol, improve their sex life, increased energy, and find hope in enjoying life again.

If Your Health is important to you, Get my Free Diabetes Report that will open your eyes to how Diabetics, those who are in a state of Insulin Resistance and hypoglycemics are being ignored by the medical community.

Its almost certain that IF you dont fix the cause of your diabetes, IF you dont change the path that you are on and IF you continue to do what you have been doing, you can be certain that you will be shortening your life span and die an early death.

I know this for a fact because I have seen it countless times. In fact, I was just heard of a family friend who had his leg amputated, because he refused to make changes necessary to reverse his Diabetes.

Get my Free Report Here and start your Journey towards a better expression of Health.

you can learn more about Dr Hagmeyer here and find out he approaches metabolic problems including Type II Diabetes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Naperville Insitute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions Naperville IL Relief For Diabetics Comes in a New Natural Integrative approach

Are You Afraid of the Serious Consequences of Uncontrolled Type II Diabetes?

Here are just a few…Amputation of a limb, blindness, kidney failure, heart failure, and increased risk factors for stroke and cancer!

The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions Offers a Metabolic and Brain Based Therapy That Focuses On The TRUE CAUSE Of Diabetes!


Visit #1:
Dr. Richard M Hagmeyer will review your intake forms, medical records and any x-rays or imaging studies that you may have brought with you. We encourage you to bring any information with you.

Visit #2:
Dr. Richard M Hagmeyer will let you know if he has decided to take your case. Fees for care will be discussed at this time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions, Naperville IL Dr Richard Hagmeyer, Diabetics Should Be Aware Of The Importance Of This Hormone And Its Effects on Insulin


The regulation of hormones plays an important role in your health.  For example, Prolactin is a hormone that’s made by your pituitary gland.  High levels of prolactin suppress TSH or Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone.  Prolactin is balanced by progesterone and dopamine, so when people have a dopamine deficiency, or progesterone deficiency, their prolactin will increase, and that will decrease the function of the pituitary’s production of thyroid-stimulating hormone.  Remember when I stated that the thyroid controls ALL of your body’s metabolism?

The imbalance will show up on your labs, if you’re lucky, as the TSH is low, but not quite out of the reference range.  This is why it’s important to know that there are “optimal” or “functional” levels.  . 

Prolactin also suppresses luteinizing hormone (LH) in women.  Excess prolactin can cause infertility.  In men, excess prolactin depresses testosterone so they have low libido.  High prolactin can cause tumors that are called prolactinomas.

Another common female hormone disorder is PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  It affects 5-10 percent of menstruating women, and it is one of the most common causes of infertility.  PCOS symptoms include the inability to lose weight, hair loss, fatigue after meals, hormone imbalances, and sugar cravings. 

Using blood chemistry tests, PCOS can be identified by insulin resistance.  Again, insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) is a blood glucose level from 100-126.  This is a fasting blood glucose level.  PCOS is also indicated by elevated triglycerides and cholesterol, especially IF THE TRIGLYCERIDES ARE HIGHER THAN THE CHOLESTROL LEVELS.

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body cells become resistant to insulin due to a high-carbohydrate diet, which leads to excess testosterone production, and this leads to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  As testosterone levels rise, the cells become further resistant to insulin, and it’s a slow downward spiral.  Cell resistance to insulin in turn promotes testosterone elevation, which continues that downward spiral.

Insulin resistance also promotes inflammation and immune system problems, which predispose the person to an autoimmune disease.  In woman suffering with PN, can you see why it’s important to address Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

The bottom line is that excess levels of any hormone can cause peripheral neuropathy in both men and women!

Don’t suffer another minute!  Call our office at 630.718.0555 and schedule
your 2 Free Visits with Dr.Hagmeyer.  Call now, space is limited!